Civil Rights Organizational Chart

Civil Rights Organizational Chart

Updated April 2024 

  • Chancellor - Carol Christ

    • Associate Chancellor; Chief of Staff; Chief Ethics, Risk, and Compliance Officer - Khira Griscavage

      • Assistant Vice Chancellor of Civil Rights, Whistleblower, and Clery Compliance; Title IX Officer; Director of OPHD - Kellie Brennan (with dotted line to the Chancellor)

        • Executive Assistant - Alicia Dixon
        • Director of Clery Compliance & Campus Clery Coordinator - Abby Ogden
          • Clery Compliance Liaison -  Jeremy Crabb
          • Clery Compliance Liaison - Natalyn Daniels 
        • Special Projects Analyst & Deputy Title IX Officer - Ava Blustein
        • Intake & Alternative Resolution and Deputy Title IX Officer - Charlotte Russell 
          • Complaint Resolution Coordinator - Shaomay Vong
          • Complaint Resolution Coordinator - mari matthews
          • Complaint Resolution Coordinator - Kelsey Straw
        • Investigations and Deputy Title IX Officer - Elizabeth Rome 
          • Senior Complaint Resolution Officer - Alvaro Soria
          • Complaint Resolution Officer - Zoe Garlick
          • Complaint Resolution Officer - Robert Hamilton 
          • Complaint Resolution Officer - Ashok Rau
          • Complaint Resolution Officer - Christian Bucey
          • Complaint Resolution Officer - Martha Phillips 
          • Complaint Resolution Officer - Sandy Garcia

A visual representation of the Civil Rights units organizational chart.

Please click on the org chart image to download it as a PowerPoint file.