University employees are expected to ensure that their participation in outside professional activities does not interfere with the performance of their University duties. All University employees are subject to Regents Policy 1111: Policy on Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct(link is external), which states in section 6 (Conflicts of Interest or Commitment) (emphasis added):
Employee members of the University community are expected to devote primary professional allegiance to the University and to the mission of teaching, research, and public service. Outside employment must not interfere with University duties. Outside professional activities, personal financial interests, or acceptance of benefits from third parties can create actual or perceived conflicts between the University’s mission and an individual’s private interests. University community members who have certain professional or financial interests are expected to disclose them in compliance with applicable conflict of interest/conflict of commitment policies. In all matters, community members are expected to take appropriate steps, including consultation if issues are unclear, to avoid both conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts."
Academic employees and researchers
Academic appointees are subject to APM-025: Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members and Designated Other Academic Appointees (PDF file)(link is external). For additional resources:
- For academic employees, see the Academic Personnel Office webpage on conflict of commitment and the required OATS filing(link is external)
- For researchers, see the research Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment website(link is external)
Policy-covered staff
All Professional & Support Staff (PSS), Managers & Senior Professionals (MSP), and Senior Management Group (SMG) employees are subject to the requirements of PPSM-82: Conflict of Interest(link is external). Section III.B. of this policy regarding Performance of University Duties states that:
"No one in the service of the University may devote to private purposes any portion of time due the University nor may any outside employment interfere with the performance of University duties."
Outside professional activities and conflict of commitment for Senior Management Group members
All Senior Management Group (SMG) employees who participate in outside professional activities, including officers of the university and those holding faculty appointments, are subject to UC Regents Policy 7707 ("Senior Management Group Outside Professional Activities") (PDF file)(link is external), which states that:
"While outside professional activities performed by SMG members are often mutually beneficial to the University and the members themselves, and are therefore encouraged, the primary commitment of University of California SMG members must be to the fulfillment of their regular University responsibilities."
SMG employees include the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Assistant Vice Chancellors, Chief of Police and Deans of the University. Additional information regarding outside professional activities for SMG members can be found below: