Outside Professional Activities and Conflict of Commitment


University employees are expected to ensure that their participation in outside professional activities does not interfere with the performance of their University duties. Several important policies apply.

Outside professional activities and conflict of commitment for Senior Management Group members

All Senior Management Group employees who participate in outside professional activities, including officers of the university and those holding faculty appointments, are subject to UC Regents Policy 7707 ("Senior Management Group Outside Professional Activities"), which states that

"While outside professional activities performed by SMG members are often mutually beneficial to the University and the members themselves, and are therefore encouraged, the primary commitment of University of California SMG members must be to the fulfillment of their regular University responsibilities."

Senior Management Group employees include the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Assistant Vice Chancellors, Chief of Police and Deans of the University.

Definition of Outside Activities

Outside professional activities include, but are not limited to, service on state or national commissions, government agencies and boards, committees or advisory groups to other universities, organizations established to further the interests of higher education, not for profit organization, and service on corporate boards of directors.

Approval Authority

The immediate supervisor of a Senior Management Group employee is responsible for approving participation in outside professional activities in advance and in writing. The supervisor must keep this authorization on file.

Honoraria and Travel Reimbursement

Receipt of honoraria and travel reimbursement for expenses incurred in performing outside professional activities shall be in accordance with existing University policies and procedures, including, but not limited to:

  1. Personnel Policies for Senior Managers
  2. Business and Finance Bulletin G-28 – Travel
  3. Policy and guidelines regarding Acceptance of Gifts and Gratuities under California's Political Reform Act. See Acceptance of Gifts and Gratuities.

Compensated Outside Professional Activities

Accrued Vacation shall be used when a Senior Management Group member participates in compensated outside professional activities during the regular work week.

Corporate Board Service

For the reporting period July 1 through June 30 of each year, Senior Management Group members must report to the Office of the President information relating to compensated and uncompensated participation on corporate boards.