Compendiums of office-specific policies and guidelines

To learn more about policies, procedures, and guidelines that are specific to certain campus units or subareas, please consult the compendiums below.

Student Affairs Policies - Division of Student Affairs

Under the Student Affairs Division are a number of policies and procedures, including academic; student conduct; extracurricular activities; diversity, equity and inclusion; and policy governance

Guide to Graduate Policy

Policies and procedures governing the steps involved in completing a graduate degree at Berkeley

Information Security Office A-Z policy catalog

A compendium of systemwide IT policy, campus procedures, and guidelines

Academic Personnel Manual (including updates)

The Academic Personnel Office maintains links to the sytemwide Academic Personnel Manual, including recent updates, and other policies relevant specifically to faculty

Berkeley Manual of Academic Personnel (BMAP)

Berkeley policies, processes, and practices concerning senate faculty (requires CalNet authentication)

Committee for Protection of Human Subjects

A compendium of policies and procedures applying to human subjects research