The Compliance & Enterprise Risk Committee (CERC) serves senior leadership as the working committee charged with identifying, assessing, and monitoring campus risks. It was formed in 2012 to coordinate campus obligations arising from the UC systemwide Ethics and Compliance Program (2008) and Enterprise Risk Program (2012).
Committee members come from each division that represents major administrative functions and/or areas across the campus. They have the subject matter knowledge and authority to speak for their constituency and the willingness to analyze risk challenges from a campuswide perspective.
CERC’s responsibilities include the following:
- Review the campuswide Compliance Risk Assessment, forward a Compliance Plan recommendation to the Chancellor’s Cabinet, and monitor campus progress on the Cabinet-approved Compliance Plan.
- Review and approve the campus’s annual Compliance Report.
- Review and approve campuswide administrative policies.
- Timely circulate information about emerging risks to one another and to the Chancellor’s Cabinet to support prompt risk mitigation strategies, risk ownership, and effective decision-making.
- Identify, prioritize, and evaluate risks with broad campus impact, using subcommittees as needed to study the risks and make recommendations to the full committee for action.
- Monitor the campus response to prioritized risks using appropriate risk intelligence tools.
Committee Meetings
The Chief Executive Risk and Compliance Officer (CERCO) chairs the bi-monthly meeting that brings together the core membership to advise and report on compliance and risk areas of high priority as outlined in the annual plan, present best practices guidance and education, and authorize campus policies to support systemwide requirements. The meeting agendas conform to the established schedule that will is published in advance for reviewing in reporting and addressing the key risks identified in the Risk Intelligence platform
Between meetings, members are encouraged to alert the rest of the group to emerging risks, especially those risks that may affect multiple campus constituencies. Approximately one week prior to each full CERC meeting, the chair or her designee will send a survey to all members asking which emerging risks are most relevant to the member’s constituency. The emerging risks designated by the most members will be added to the agenda at the upcoming meeting. Members will decide at the meeting whether to let management handle the emerging risk, create a subcommittee to respond to the risk, recommend further study of the risk by an appropriate campus unit, or table the risk for future consideration.