Conflict of Interest

What is a conflict of interest?

A conflict of interest exists whenever an employee’s personal, professional, commercial, or financial interests or activities outside of the University have the possibility (whether potential, real, or perceived) of:

  • Compromising the employee’s judgment;
  • Biasing the nature or direction of scholarship;
  • Influencing the employee’s decision or behavior with respect to teaching, student affairs, promotions and appointments, use of campus resources, interaction with human subjects, or other matters of interest to the University; or
  • Resulting in personal or a family member’s gain or advancement at the expense of the University.

The conflict exists by virtue of a relationship that could result in an undue influence on the employee’s professional judgment. You do not have to do anything improper to have a conflict of interest; it is strictly situational.

UC Berkeley Conflict of Interest Coordinator

The UC Berkeley Conflict of Interest Coordinator can be contacted at

Why must we carefully manage conflict of interest?

It’s the Law: The “Political Reform Act” of 1974

  • California Government Code Sections 81000 to 91015
  • Covers ALL University employees and contractors
  • A University employee may not take any part in a decision in which the employee has a disqualifying conflict of interest

It’s University Policy -- and the Right Thing To Do:

The University of California's Standard of Ethical Conduct #6 states:

"Employee members of the University community are expected to devote primary professional allegiance to the University and to the mission of teaching, research and public service. Outside employment must not interfere with University duties. Outside professional activities, personal financial interests, or acceptance of benefits from third parties can create actual or perceived conflicts between the University's mission and an individual's private interests. University community members who have certain professional or financial interests are expected to disclose them in compliance with applicable conflict of interest/conflict of commitment policies. In all matters, community members are expected to take appropriate steps, including consultation if issues are unclear, to avoid both conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts."

UCOP Compendium

The Office of the President has compiled a helpful compendium of laws and UC policies that are relevant to conflicts of interest. Highlights from that compendium can be found in the various sections below on this page.