Standards of Conduct

The campus has numerous policies prohibiting misconduct of various kinds. But it also has positive statements of the kind of conduct that is expected of members of the campus community. Some high-level standards of conduct are collected here. In addition, many individual units on campus have created their own community standards or agreements. 

Applies to all UC Berkeley community members 

UC Berkeley Principles of Community

Created 2005

These principles of community for the University of California, Berkeley, are rooted in our mission of teaching, research and public service. They reflect our passion for critical inquiry, debate, discovery and innovation, and our deep commitment to contributing to a better world. Every member of the UC Berkeley community has a role in sustaining a safe, caring and humane environment in which these values can thrive.

Regents Policy 1111: Policy on Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct

Approved May 2005
Amended March 16, 2017

Members of the University of California community are committed to the highest ethical standards in furtherance of our mission of teaching, research and public service. We recognize that we hold the University in trust for the people of the State of California. Our policies, procedures, and standards provide guidance for application of the ethical values stated below in our daily life and work as members of this community.

Applies to UC Berkeley students  

Berkeley Campus Code of Student Conduct

Revised July 2023

The University of California at Berkeley is a community of scholars committed to maintaining an environment that encourages personal and intellectual growth. It is a community with high standards and high expectations for those who choose to become a part of it, including established rules of conduct intended to foster behaviors that are consistent with a civil and educational setting. Members of the University community are expected to comply with all laws, University policies and campus regulations, conducting themselves in ways that support a scholarly environment. In this context, students are guided by the UC Berkeley Campus Code of Student Conduct.

The Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students (PACAOS) -100.00 Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline is also applicable to student conduct and student discipline. 

Residential Code of Conduct

Updated August 21, 2023

The Residential Code of Conduct covers topics on everything from alcohol use to disruptive behavior to threats to safety and verbal harassment, and even key use and posting flyers. Residents are accountable for knowing and adhering to both the UC Berkeley Student Code of Conduct and the Residential Code of Conduct, which is a subset of the Berkeley code.

Applies to UC academic personnel

General University Policy Regarding Academic Appointees: Academic Personnel Manual - 015 - The Faculty Code of Conduct 

Approved June 15, 1971

Most recent amendment: March 15, 2017

The University seeks to provide and sustain an environment conducive to sharing, extending, and critically examining knowledge and values, and to furthering the search for wisdom. Effective performance of these central functions requires that faculty members be free within their respective fields of competence to pursue and teach the truth in accord with appropriate standards of scholarly inquiry. 

Additional policies regarding the scope and application of the Faculty Code of Conduct and the University’s policies on faculty conduct and the administration of discipline are set forth in APM - 016, the University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline