Health and Safety

Workplace Violence Prevention

Strongly encourages anyone who observes threatening or violent conduct in the workplace, or who believes a credible threat of such behavior exists, to immediately report the conduct

Admission of Visitors to Animal Facilities

Access to animal facilities at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) is restricted to protect the health and safety of both personnel, research animals and research projects underway. All Visitors must receive permission as described below before being granted access to a UCB animal facility. Depending on the nature of the visit, ACUC may require Occupational Health Clinic clearance before access is granted.

Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Policy

UC Berkeley is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of the entire campus community (students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and visitors). Should an event occur that necessitates the evacuation of a building, the evacuation of a section of campus, or the evacuation of the entire campus, UC Berkeley students, faculty, staff, and volunteers must follow the instructions of emergency personnel and otherwise comply with the procedures defined in this policy.

Activities Involving Minors

The University of California, Berkeley is committed to providing a safe environment for minors. Campus units that supervise activities involving minors will abide by the principles and procedures described below. Minors will be treated respectfully at all times, regardless of their actions or behavior. No adult associated with a campus activity involving minors may use physical punishment to manage a minor’s behavior. Physical or sexual abuse of minors will not be tolerated.

Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD)

UC Berkeley must allow people with disabilities who use manual or power wheelchairs or scooters, and manually-powered mobility aids such as walkers, crutches, and canes, into all areas open to pedestrian use by members of the public. This policy also covers areas at UC Berkeley that are not open to the public.

DA0131 Redelegation to EHS Director (2017)

Brief description of delegated authority: act for the Vice Chancellor for Research in the licensing and regulation of radioactive materials Date: 4/12/2017 Delegated from: Vice Chancellor for Research Delegated to: Executive Director, Environmental Health & Safety Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: da_0131_-...

DA0131 Redelegation to Vice Chancellor for Research (2017)

Brief description of delegated authority: act for the Vice Chancellor for Research in the licensing and regulation of radioactive materials Date: 4/11/2017 Delegated from: Chancellor Delegated to: Vice Chancellor - Research Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: da_0131_-_vcr_redacted.pdf

Access Control

This policy is intended to ensure that the people requesting campus keys are authorized to get them; that key holders are held accountable for the return of keys; and that problems resulting from a lack of key control are quickly and effectively resolved. Individuals and/or departments that create a key control problem should be held accountable. Generally, this would mean financial responsibility for correcting the problem, but if the problem is criminal in nature, the campus would pursue legal remedies as appropriate.

Water Protection

Establishes roles and responsibilities for protecting and enhancing the environmental quality of state and local waterways in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act, the state Porter- Cologne Water Quality Control Act, other federal, state, and local regulations, and other campus policies.

Vehicle Access to Campus

All vehicles coming onto the University of California, Berkeley campus must observe the driving and parking regulations in this policy.