
Dogs/Animals on Campus Property

To protect public health and safety, UC Berkeley regulates the types of animals allowed on University property. State and local regulations provide the basis for University policies intended to protect the campus community from potential health and safety hazards posed by animals brought to campus.

Management of Campuswide Policies

Defines campuswide policy (vs. guidelines or practice) and sets forth a uniform process for developing, approving, and promoting campuswide policies.

Workplace Violence Prevention

Strongly encourages anyone who observes threatening or violent conduct in the workplace, or who believes a credible threat of such behavior exists, to immediately report the conduct

Admission of Visitors to Animal Facilities

Access to animal facilities at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) is restricted to protect the health and safety of both personnel, research animals and research projects underway. All Visitors must receive permission as described below before being granted access to a UCB animal facility. Depending on the nature of the visit, ACUC may require Occupational Health Clinic clearance before access is granted.

Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Policy

UC Berkeley is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of the entire campus community (students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and visitors). Should an event occur that necessitates the evacuation of a building, the evacuation of a section of campus, or the evacuation of the entire campus, UC Berkeley students, faculty, staff, and volunteers must follow the instructions of emergency personnel and otherwise comply with the procedures defined in this policy.

Acceptable Use of Technology Resources ("Acceptable Use Policy")

In support of the University's mission of teaching, research, and public service, the University of California, Berkeley provides computing, networking, and information resources to the campus community. This policy defines how those resources may be used.

Allocation of Electrical Capacity

This policy describes the process and requirements for allocating available electrical capacity to new capital projects. The campus has a specific amount of electrical capacity available within its existing high voltage infrastructure. Exceeding this capacity will necessitate the construction, well in advance of the need, of additional substations on campus property and added service from the utility supplier. In order to avoid this investment as long as possible, it is essential that the existing capacity be allocated judiciously to support campus priorities.

Conflicts of Interest Arising Out of Consensual Relationships

Because of the potential for actual or apparent conflicts of interest, members of the campus community who enter into a consensual relationship with someone over whom they have supervisory, decision-making, oversight, evaluative, or advisory responsibility (hereafter “individuals in authority”) must take effective steps to remove themselves from professional decisions concerning that individual.

Engagement with Third-Party Online Program Management Providers

UC Berkeley’s administrative policy regarding academic units’ engagement with third-party online education program management service providers who provide services in exchange for a percentage of student tuition.

Domain Name System (DNS) Service Policy and Resources

The purpose of this policy is to define the terms under which the Domain Name System (DNS) is operated and maintained while also ensuring that the requirements of stakeholder groups are met. This policy is intended to ensure that the University utilizes limited DNS resources appropriately, that the University’s name and brand is protected, that security and legal risks are mitigated, and that DNS resources are allocated to the campus community appropriately.