
Data and IT Resource Classification Standard

The UC Berkeley Data Classification Standard is UC Berkeley’s implementation of the UC Systemwide Data Classification Standard. UC BFB IS-3 establishes that Institutional Information and IT Resources must be protected according to their classifications. This Standard is a framework for assessing the adverse impact that loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability of Institutional Information and IT Resources would have upon the Campus. It provides the foundation for establishing security requirements for each classification of data. UC BFB IS-12 establishes Recovery Level (RL) to guide IT Recovery planning and preparation for IT Resources. At UC Berkeley, Recovery Level classification is required for non-research IT Infrastructure and Services to which IS-12 applies.

Computer Use Policy

In support of the University's mission of teaching, research, and public service, the University of California, Berkeley provides computing, networking, and information resources to the campus community of students, faculty, and staff. Computers and networks can provide access to resources on and off campus, as well as the ability to communicate with other users worldwide. Such open access is a privilege, and requires that individual users act responsibly. Users must respect the rights of other users, respect the integrity of the systems and related physical resources, and observe all relevant laws, regulations, and contractual obligations.

Application System Development Policy

This Policy applies to major application system development or enhancement. "Major" means either a system that has users in more than one department, or a single-department system that is expected to cost more than $100,000, to develop and implement. Cost includes hardware, software, and contract personnel.

Student E-Mail Addresses

Requires University of California, Berkeley students to establish a berkeley.edu e-mail address, keep the address current, and regularly monitoring their e-mail for official communications from the University.

Dogs/Animals on Campus Property

To protect public health and safety, UC Berkeley regulates the types of animals allowed on University property. State and local regulations provide the basis for University policies intended to protect the campus community from potential health and safety hazards posed by animals brought to campus.

Domain Name System (DNS) Service Policy

The Information Systems and Technology - Communication and Network Services (CNS) department is the steward of the Berkeley Campus network. In fulfilling that role, CNS serves as the central point of contact for the outside world and has responsibility to ensure that management of this University resource complies with applicable laws and regulations.

Cal 1 Card Policy

The Cal 1 Card – UC Berkeley's official photo ID card – was designed to provide a standardized and secure medium via which active members of the campus community identify their affiliation and their respective eligibility for access to applicable campus services, benefits, and facilities. Use of the Cal 1 Card, its data elements, and all associated card technologies – including all hardware and software leveraging or interfacing with said technologies – must be pre-approved by the Cal 1 Card Program, Campus Facility Services, the Office of the Registrar, and/or Berkeley People & Culture as applicable.

Course Materials Fees Policy

Departments are expected to cover normal instructional costs within their state fund budgets, and Course Materials Fees (CMFs) should be needed only in exceptional situations. Since departmental budgets have neither kept pace with inflation nor the costs of new technology, CMFs are allowed for consumable supplies or to provide special supplemental educational experiences. The financial needs of the department must be weighed against the impact of the fees on student budgets and the costs of collecting and administering the fees. CMFs should be used to augment rather than replace state funds for departmental instructional costs. Fees assessed under this policy must be mandatory for all students enrolled in a course, and must be assessed to enrolled students by the campus's centralized student billing system. The policy mandates consultation with students in the establishment of CMFs.

Disclosure of Information from Student Records

Establishes process and conditions applying to the disclosure of student records, in conformity with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and University Policy.

Criminal Background Checks

Policy Summary

Criminal background checks are required for staff and non-Senate academic employees newly hired, transferred, promoted, reclassified, or reassigned to certain sensitive positions. They are not required for employees holding sensitive positions at the time this policy went into effect. The department is responsible for initiating the criminal background check. If the background check reveals a conviction relevant to the sensitive position, the individual may be disqualified from holding the sensitive position.

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