Procurement and Purchasing

Redelegation to Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance (2015)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Execute certain affiliation agreements with other institutions or hospitals Date: 2/2/2015 Delegated from: Chancellor Delegated to: Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance Can redelegate? No Original document source: da_0916_-_chancellor_to_vcaf_redacted.pdf

Redelegation to Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (2015)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Execute certain affiliation agreements with other institutions or hospitals Date: 2/2/2015 Delegated from: Chancellor Delegated to: EVCP Can redelegate? No Original document source: da_0916_-_chancellor_to_evcp_redacted.pdf

Redelegation to Vice Chancellor, Real Estate (2014)

Brief description of redelegated authority: enter into and to execute agreements pertaining to purchase of utilities commodities and services Date: 1/11/2014 Delegated from: Chancellor Delegated to: Vice Chancellor, Real Estate Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: da_0856_chancellor-to-vcre_redacted.pdf

Redelegation to Vice Chancellor, Real Estate (2014)

Brief description of delegated authority: Solicit, accept or execute extramural grants and contracts for construction of facilities, including the signing of related documents as necessary. Date: 1/6/2014 Delegated from: Vice Chancellor, Real Estate Delegated to: Chancellor Can redelegate? Yes Original document source:...

Redelegation to Associate Vice Chancellor, Project Management (2008)

Brief description of delegated authority: Solicit, accept or execute extramural grants and contracts for construction of facilities, including the signing of related documents as necessary. Date: 6/30/2008 Delegated from: Vice Chancellor, Facilities Delegated to: Associate Vice Chancellor, Project Management Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: da_0693_vc_facilities_to_avc_-...

Redelegation to Vice Chancellor - Research (1999)

Brief description of delegated authority: Permit expenditures or commitments of funds against any approved research, training, or development contract or grant when a fully extended contract is in hand or a written notice of the grant has been received. Date: 10/15/1999 Delegated from: Chancellor Delegated to: Vice Chancellor - Research Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: ...

Redelegation to Vice Chancellor, Administration (2018)

Brief description of delegated authority: apply for alcoholic beverage service license Date: 3/1/2018 Delegated from: EVCP Delegated to: Vice Chancellor - Administration Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: 2018_EVCP_DAs_accessible.pdf

Redelegation to Vice Chancellor - Administration (2018)

Brief description of delegated authority: grant exceptions to the Policy Regarding Employee-Vendor Relationships Date: 3/1/2018 Delegated from: EVCP Delegated to: Vice Chancellor - Administration Can redelegate? No Original document source: 2018_EVCP_DAs_accessible.pdf

Engagement with Third-Party Online Program Management Providers

UC Berkeley’s administrative policy regarding academic units’ engagement with third-party online education program management service providers who provide services in exchange for a percentage of student tuition.

DA2584 Revolving Funds Withdrawals (2014)

Brief description of delegated authority: Recommend to the president representatives of the University who may sign checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money or initiate electronic transfers of funds against University checking accounts, provided that all such representatives are covered by fidelity bond. Date: 7/8/2014 Delegated from: UC President Delegated to: Chancellor Can redelegate? Yes Original document source:
