Procurement and Purchasing

BFB-BUS-63 Redelegation to Associate Chancellor, Government and Community Liaison (2011)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Ensure that the requirements of BFB-BUS-63 have been met before the commencement date of a contract, purchase order, or other agreement of services Date: 1/1/2011 Delegated from: Chancellor Delegated to: Associate Chancellor, Government and Community Liaison Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: BFB-BUS-63_chancellor-to-govt.comm.campus.liaison_110810039_accessible.pdf

BFB-BUS-63 Redelegation to Assistant Risk Manager (2008)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Signature authority for Certificates of Insurance and evidence of insurance letters Date: 1/22/2008 Delegated from: Director - Controls and Accountability Delegated to: Assistant Risk Manager Can redelegate? No Original document source: BFB-BUS-63_dir.controls.accountability-to-asst.risk.manager_80252112_accessible.pdf

BFB-BUS-63 Redelegation to Director - Controls and Accountability (2003)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Signature authority for Certificates of Insurance, evidence of insurance letters, and authority to change insurance limits on contracts Date: 11/13/2003 Delegated from: Assistant Controller Delegated to: Director - Controls and Accountability Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: BFB-BUS-63_asst.controller-to-dir.controls.accountability_33425718_accessible.pdf

Redelegation to Assistant Vice Chancellor - Human Resources (2007)

Brief description of redelegated authority: authority formerly delegated to Associate Vice Chancellor - Health and Human Services relating to independent contractor guidelines under BFB-BUS-77, later absorbed into BFB-BUS-43 Date: 6/19/2007 Delegated from: Associate Vice Chancellor, Health and Human Services Delegated to: Assistant Vice Chancellor - Human Resources Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: BFB-...

Redelegation to Executive Director - Campus Procurement (2011)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Overall administration of independent consultant procedures and agreements; may approve the purpose and contents of an independent consultant agreement on behalf of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business and Administrative Services Date: 1/1/2011 Delegated from: Associate Vice Chancellor, Business and Administrative Services Delegated to: Executive Director - Campus Procurement Can redelegate? Yes Original document source:...

Redelegation to Director - Business Services (2007)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Overall administration of independent consultant procedures and agreements; may approve the purpose and contents of an independent consultant agreement on behalf of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Business and Administrative Services Date: 11/8/2007 Delegated from: Associate Vice Chancellor, Business and Administrative Services Delegated to: Director - Business Services Can redelegate? Yes Original document source:...

Redelegation to Associate Vice Chancellor, Business and Administrative Services (2003)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Overall administration of independent consultant procedures and agreements; may approve the purpose and contents of an independent consultant agreement on behalf of the Chancellor Date: 11/1/2003 Delegated from: Chancellor Delegated to: Associate Vice Chancellor, Business and Administrative Services Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: BFB-BUS-43_chancellor-to-...

Redelegation to Chief Procurement Officer (2016)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Execution of Purchase Contracts, Subcontracts, and Standard Purchase Orders for Materials, Goods and Services to be Supplied to the University in accordance with The Regents' Standing Order 100.4 (dd) in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000, subject to specified University policies, availability of funds, and any required agency approval Date: 12/20/2016 Delegated from: Associate Vice Chancellor, Business and Administrative Services Delegated to: Chief Procurement Officer Can...

DA2100 Redelegation to Procurement Buyer J.Loza (2025)

Brief description of redelegated authority: execution of purchase contracts, subcontracts, and standard purchase orders for materials, goods and service to be supplied to the University, in an amount not to exceed $35,000, provided that: purchase contracts, subcontracts, or standard purchase orders are issued in accordance with all University policies, including Business and Finance Bulletin BUS-43, as well as DA 2100, and Policy to Ensure Equal Opportunity in University Business Contracting; that funds are available; and any required approval of the contracting...

Engagement with Third-Party Online Program Management Providers

UC Berkeley’s administrative policy regarding academic units’ engagement with third-party online education program management service providers who provide services in exchange for a percentage of student tuition.