Research Administration

Admission of Visitors to Animal Facilities

Access to animal facilities at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) is restricted to protect the health and safety of both personnel, research animals and research projects underway. All Visitors must receive permission as described below before being granted access to a UCB animal facility. Depending on the nature of the visit, ACUC may require Occupational Health Clinic clearance before access is granted.

DA0666 Redelegation to Assistant Vice Chancellor - Research Administration and Compliance (2014)

Brief description of delegated authority: Permit expenditures or commitments of funds against any approved research, training, or development contract or grant when a fully extended contract is in hand or a written notice of the grant has been received. Date: 1/31/2014 Delegated from: Vice Chancellor - Research Delegated to: Assistant Vice Chancellor - Research Administration and Compliance Can redelegate? Yes Original document...

DA0131 Redelegation to EHS Director (2017)

Brief description of delegated authority: act for the Vice Chancellor for Research in the licensing and regulation of radioactive materials Date: 4/12/2017 Delegated from: Vice Chancellor for Research Delegated to: Executive Director, Environmental Health & Safety Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: da_0131_-...

Human Stem Cell Research

This policy sets forth procedures for the review and approval of research, so as to ensure that all research involving the derivation or use of human stem cells at the University of California, Berkeley is conducted with the highest ethical and scientific research standards, and in compliance with all applicable federal and state regulations, University policies, and the requirements of extramural research sponsors.

International Group Travel

International travel undertaken by faculty, staff, or students as part of travel sponsored or organized by the university presents potential risks; this policy mitigates those risks by requiring a risk assessment and mitigation plan to be approved prior to travel.

Enforcement of Safety Standards in Academic Environments

The University of California is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for the campus community. Faculty, students, and other personnel in laboratories and other academic settings may work with hazardous materials, equipment, and processes. With regard to safety and environmental protection, this teaching and research work is governed by state and federal regulations and University policies.

Redelegation to Director - Research Subject Protection (2015)

Brief description of redelegated authority: Authority to sign as the Responsible Official from UC Berkeley and ensure appropriate review and approval by UC Berkeley’s Committee for Protection of Human Subjects of all human subject research protocols submitted by UC Berkeley investigators for review by the State of California’s IRB, the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects which serves the California Health and Human Services; all research-related requests for state personal information from the University of California and non-profit educational institutions; and...

UC Policy: Protection of Human Subjects in Research (2020)

Brief description of delegated authority: responsible for designating an Institutional Official who oversees Human Subject protections at the campus and serves as the signatory official on the Federalwide Assurance filed with OHRP. The Institutional Official ensures that the IRB remain free from undue influence in its decision-making, and that adequate resources are provided to support the IRB’s review. Institutional Official, or their designee, also appoints members of the IRB. Date: 11/6/2020 Delegated from: Vice President - Research and...