Form 700 Filers

The California Political Reform Act requires certain University employees to disclose their personal financial interests to help inform the public about potential conflicts of interest. The financial disclosure also alerts the designated official to personal interests that might be affected while they are performing their official duties (i.e., making governmental decisions).

Designated Officials

  • The Office of General Counsel (OGC) at the Office of the President sends out a notification when the employee assumes the specific position.  Who becomes a Designated Official is a function of the job responsibilities being assumed.
  • When a Designated Official leaves one designated position and assumes another designated position at the University, they do not need to file a leaving office or an assuming office statement. They continue to file annual statements.
  • All personnel who assume duties in an interim or acting capacity must file assuming office statements as soon as they begin service in the interim or acting position. There are no exceptions to this requirement. They must also file a leaving office statement unless permanently appointed to the position; it is not necessary to file a second assuming office statement if so appointed.

Required filing (form 700)

  • The California Political Reform Act of 1974 requires Designated Officials to publicly disclose their private economic interests on an official Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700).
    • The Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests University of California Office of the President web site has instructions for Conflict of Interest Filing and a pdf version of Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests.

  • Form 700 must be completed on an annual basis for the 12-month period ending December 31 and filed with the Conflict of Interest Office at the Office of the President, by April 1 of the following year. In addition, a Designated Official must file a Form 700 within 30 days of assuming office or within 30 days of leaving office.
    • Exceptions of assuming office statements occur if the person assumed office between October 1 and December 31 and they filed an assuming office statement. They are not required to file a statement until April 2 of the following year for the period from assuming office through December 31. 
  • Filed forms are public documents that must be made available to anyone who requests them.
  • Designated Officials are reminded via email in March that the form must be filed by April 1st.
  • Failure to meet these requirements can result in the individual being fined by the State for late filing.

Disqualification from participating in decisions

  • Form 700 filers (Designated Officials) must disqualify themselves from participating in decisions in which they have a personal financial interest (see Financial and Economic Interest). 
  • The UC Conflict of Interest Code:
    • Lists the position titles of those designated officials who are required to provide personal financial information
    • Assigns disclosure categories to those positions
    • Indicates the types of economic interest which must be reported, such as investments, interests in real estate, sources of income or gifts

Other relevant information

  • Form 700U. Principal Investigators must complete an official Principal Investigator's Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700U), if the research project is funded from a non-governmental source, and disclose any financial interests in the sponsor.  See Research Conflict of Interest  for more information about this policy.
  • Outside Professional Activities. The University of California Policy on Outside Professional Activities established by the President on July 1, 1995 requires certain University officials and designated staff as defined in the policy to disclose Outside Professional Activities. The disclosure is made on an annual basis. The call for the request is made in the fall, for the prior 12-month reporting period of July to June.  See Outside Professional Activities for more details on this University policy.