
Responsible Executive

Vice Chancellor-Undergraduate Education

Responsible Office

Undergraduate Education




Next Review

The purpose of this memorandum is to restate and clarify University policy on the question of who may attend and participate as students or auditors in University classes and, in this connection, to define the authority and respon-sibility of the instructor. 

The right to attend University classes is limited to registered students of the University who are properly enrolled for the course. Other persons may attend subject to the approval of the instructor. The instructor may at his discretion define the extent of participation of authorized auditors in the class. For example, he may require written authorization to audit or he may limit classroom discussions or participation in other class activities to students
who are enrolled in the course.

If an enrolled student or auditor engages in behavior in the class which, in
the opinion of the instructor, is obstructive or disruptive or otherwise jeopar-dizes the normal conduct of the course, the instructor may direct the offending person to leave that session of the class.

Furthermore, the instructor is authorized, with the approval of the Depart-ment Chairman, to exclude from the class meetings any student who persists in such behavior. It is suggested that the Department Chairman, instructor, and student hold an informal conference prior to such action. Appeal by the student shall be through academic channels, i.e. to the Dean of the School or College in which the course is offered and thence to the Vice Chancellor -Academic Affairs. Such appeals shall be heard promptly and the procedural safeguards set forth in Section IV, 3, (a), of Berkeley Campus Regulations shall apply. 

A student or auditor who disrupts a class or who refuses to comply with an instruction to leave the class under these circumstances is also subject to disciplinary action under University regulations and procedures. Such cases shall be reported immediately by the instructor to Mr. Glen H. Grant, Office of the Chancellor, 214 California Hall, Telephone 2-7374.