Business and Finance

Redelegation to Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance (2011)

Brief description of redelegated authority: authority formerly delegated to Vice Chancellor - Administration relating to independent contractor guidelines under BFB-BUS-77, later absorbed into BFB-BUS-43 Date: 3/23/2011 Delegated from: Chancellor Delegated to: Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: BUS-BFB-43_chancellor-to-VCAF_111010041_1_formerlyBUS-77_accessible....

Deficit Resolution

All funds must be spent in accordance with University policy. Authority to spend funds brings with it the responsibility for effective fiscal management. All units should meet operating needs within their available budget. All deficits in University of California, Berkeley current, loan, and plant funds should be cleared throughout the year and must be cleared by the close of the fiscal year. Deficits may be resolved by either transferring budgeted funds between chartstrings within the same fund group or by transferring expenditures between chartstrings, if allowable.

DA2100 Redelegation to Program Financial Analyst, Forum for Collaborative Research, School of Public Health, UCDC (2023)

Brief description of redelegated authority: execution of purchase contracts, subcontracts, and standard purchase orders for materials, goods and service to be supplied to the University, in an amount not to exceed $35,000, provided that: purchase contracts, subcontracts, or standard purchase orders are issued in accordance with all University policies, including Business and Finance Bulletin BUS-43, as well as DA 2100, and Policy to Ensure Equal Opportunity in University Business Contracting; that funds are available; and any required approval of the contracting agency is...

Redelegation of DA2629 to Director of Real Estate Acquisitions and Development (2020)

Brief description of redelegated authority: day-to-day functions for the Berkeley campus related to Capital Project Matters Date: 4/9/2020 Delegated from: Director of Real Estate Acquisitions and Development Delegated to: Real Estate Manager Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: available upon request

Redelegation of DA2629 to Project Managers (2020)

Brief description of redelegated authority: day-to-day functions for the Berkeley campus related to Capital Project Matters Date: 4/9/2020 Delegated from: Director of Capital Projects Delegated to: Project Managers Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: DA2629_Director.Capital.Projects-to-Project.Managers_accessible.pdf

DA2590 Solicit and Accept Changes Relating to the Energy Biosciences Institute Master Agreement (2015)

Brief description of delegated authority: solicit and execute any amendments, modifications, or renewals subsequent to the initial award provided the general intent and purpose of the program remain unchanged from those originally approved. Date: 5/15/2015 Delegated from: UC President Delegated to: Chancellor Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: ...

Redelegation of DA2629 to Housing Project Manager (2020)

Brief description of redelegated authority: day-to-day functions for the Berkeley campus related to Capital Project Matters Date: 4/9/2020 Delegated from: Associate Vice Chancellor - Capital Strategies Delegated to: Housing Project Manager Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: DA2629_AVC-to-direct.reports_day-to-day-Capital.Project.Matters_accessible-version.pdf

Redelegation of DA2629 to Director of Real Estate (2020)

Brief description of redelegated authority: day-to-day functions for the Berkeley campus related to Capital Project Matters Date: 4/9/2020 Delegated from: Associate Vice Chancellor - Capital Strategies Delegated to: Director of Real Estate Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: DA2629_AVC-to-direct.reports_day-to-day-Capital.Project.Matters_accessible-version.pdf

Redelegation of DA2629 to Director of Contract Administration (2020)

Brief description of redelegated authority: day-to-day functions for the Berkeley campus related to Capital Project Matters Date: 4/9/2020 Delegated from: Associate Vice Chancellor - Capital Strategies Delegated to: Director of Contract Administration Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: DA2629_AVC-to-direct.reports_day-to-day-Capital.Project.Matters_accessible-version.pdf

Redelegation of DA2629 to Director of Capital Projects (2020)

Brief description of redelegated authority: day-to-day functions for the Berkeley campus related to Capital Project Matters Date: 4/9/2020 Delegated from: Associate Vice Chancellor - Capital Strategies Delegated to: Director of Capital Projects Can redelegate? Yes Original document source: DA2629_AVC-to-direct.reports_day-to-day-Capital.Project.Matters_accessible-version.pdf