DA2100 Redelegation to Program Financial Analyst, Forum for Collaborative Research, School of Public Health, UCDC (2023)

Brief description of redelegated authority: execution of purchase contracts, subcontracts, and standard purchase orders for materials, goods and service to be supplied to the University, in an amount not to exceed $35,000, provided that: purchase contracts, subcontracts, or standard purchase orders are issued in accordance with all University policies, including Business and Finance Bulletin BUS-43, as well as DA 2100, and Policy to Ensure Equal Opportunity in University Business Contracting; that funds are available; and any required approval of the contracting agency is secured
Date: 11/20/2023
Delegated from: Chief Procurement Officer, Supply Chain Management
Delegated to: Program Financial Analyst for the Forum for Collaborative Research for the School of Public Health, UCDC Campus
Can redelegate? Yes 
Original document source: DA2100_Delegation Letter_Alicia Jellinek_35k.pdf