Facilities and Resources

Management of Campuswide Policies

Defines campuswide policy (vs. guidelines or practice) and sets forth a uniform process for developing, approving, and promoting campuswide policies.

Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Policy

UC Berkeley is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of the entire campus community (students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and visitors). Should an event occur that necessitates the evacuation of a building, the evacuation of a section of campus, or the evacuation of the entire campus, UC Berkeley students, faculty, staff, and volunteers must follow the instructions of emergency personnel and otherwise comply with the procedures defined in this policy.

Allocation of Electrical Capacity

This policy describes the process and requirements for allocating available electrical capacity to new capital projects. The campus has a specific amount of electrical capacity available within its existing high voltage infrastructure. Exceeding this capacity will necessitate the construction, well in advance of the need, of additional substations on campus property and added service from the utility supplier. In order to avoid this investment as long as possible, it is essential that the existing capacity be allocated judiciously to support campus priorities.

Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD)

UC Berkeley must allow people with disabilities who use manual or power wheelchairs or scooters, and manually-powered mobility aids such as walkers, crutches, and canes, into all areas open to pedestrian use by members of the public. This policy also covers areas at UC Berkeley that are not open to the public.

Berkeley Campus Regulations Implementing University Policies

These regulations govern aspects of campus organizations and non-affiliates, use of University facilities, and time, place, and manner of public expression for which implementing campus regulations are required by the University Policies. The regulations address the rights and responsibilities of guests/non-affiliates and members of the University community, including faculty, staff and students, and provide standards for sustaining this community.

Temporary Structures and Storage Buildings on the Central Berkeley Campus

Establishes rules and assigns responsibilities for the approval, and required subsequent removal, of temporary structures to house campus activities on the Central Berkeley Campus

Major Events Hosted by Non-Departmental Users

This policy places terms and conditions on the hosting of events by individuals other than current employees of the University of California acting within the course and scope of University employment and organizations other than academic and administrative departments of the University of California ("non-department users"). These terms and conditions include obtaining written permission from the campus to host Major Events.

Cal 1 Card Policy

The Cal 1 Card – UC Berkeley's official photo ID card – was designed to provide a standardized and secure medium via which active members of the campus community identify their affiliation and their respective eligibility for access to applicable campus services, benefits, and facilities. Use of the Cal 1 Card, its data elements, and all associated card technologies – including all hardware and software leveraging or interfacing with said technologies – must be pre-approved by the Cal 1 Card Program, Campus Facility Services, the Office of the Registrar, and/or Berkeley People & Culture as applicable.

Access Control

This policy is intended to ensure that the people requesting campus keys are authorized to get them; that key holders are held accountable for the return of keys; and that problems resulting from a lack of key control are quickly and effectively resolved. Individuals and/or departments that create a key control problem should be held accountable. Generally, this would mean financial responsibility for correcting the problem, but if the problem is criminal in nature, the campus would pursue legal remedies as appropriate.

Water Protection

Establishes roles and responsibilities for protecting and enhancing the environmental quality of state and local waterways in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act, the state Porter- Cologne Water Quality Control Act, other federal, state, and local regulations, and other campus policies.