I. Policy Statement
This policy describes the process and requirements for allocating available electrical capacity to new capital projects. The campus has a specific amount of electrical capacity available within its existing high voltage infrastructure. Exceeding this capacity will necessitate the construction, well in advance of the need, of additional substations on campus property and added service from the utility supplier. In order to avoid this investment as long as possible, it is essential that the existing capacity be allocated judiciously to support campus priorities.
Campus priorities are determined to be the development already identified in the 2021 LRDP and/or the 2022 Campus Master Plan. If a project is not already identified in the plan or if a reallocation of capacity has to be made between projects, the priority for available capacity will be for those projects which directly support the academic mission, research and student safety. In addition, the availability of utility power for a project will be a consideration. For example, a project in the center of campus will be a higher priority for campus power than one which is at the edge of campus.
II. Policy Scope
This policy applies to all capital projects or major renovations which start their design phase after adoption of this policy and which will create additional load on the campus high voltage infrastructure.
III. Why We Have This Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that electrical capacity is available to support campus priorities and that campus leadership is aware of the decisions being made regarding the allocation of a limited resource.
IV. Procedures
At the conceptual stage of a capital project, the project leads will work with the Facilities Services Engineering group to confirm the anticipated load of the project and the availability of electrical capacity to support the load.
Once the project’s electrical demand is confirmed as described above, the project’s design load will be compared to the anticipated load. The anticipated load is defined as either the load identified for this future development in the campus’ Long Range Development Plan or the available capacity at an existing building if the project is a renovation. This anticipated load will be used as the baseline for determining a project’s impact. If a project exceeds this baseline, was not identified in the planning documents or campus capacity has already been allocated so that there is more strain on the system than anticipated, the project will be required to request approval for its high voltage electrical allocation.
This request will be evaluated and approved by the Associate Vice Chancellors of Facilities Services and Capital Strategies and the Vice Chancellor of Administration after consultation with other campus stakeholders such as the Vice Provost for Academic Planning or the Vice Chancellors of Research or Student Affairs as needed.
V. Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of project leads to address their project's electrical needs as early in the process as possible so a decision can be made while the project’s budget and scope is being developed.
VI. Consequences of Policy Violations
Failure to obtain approval if needed could result in the need to redesign a project with the expense borne by the project proponent.
VII. Glossary
Electrical capacity: Refers to the maximum amount of power available to be used
High voltage system: Refers to the utility infrastructure providing the electricity to campus buildings. This system consists of electrical cables distributing energy from the utility source through multiple switch stations into campus buildings.
Related Documents and Policies
Background and additional information for the high voltage system