
Access Control

This policy is intended to ensure that the people requesting campus keys are authorized to get them; that key holders are held accountable for the return of keys; and that problems resulting from a lack of key control are quickly and effectively resolved. Individuals and/or departments that create a key control problem should be held accountable. Generally, this would mean financial responsibility for correcting the problem, but if the problem is criminal in nature, the campus would pursue legal remedies as appropriate.

Workplace Violence Prevention

Requires anyone who is a victim of threatening or violent conduct in the workplace, or who observes such behavior or believes a credible threat of such behavior exists, is required to immediately report the conduct

Gift Acceptance

This policy governs the solicitation and acceptance of philanthropic gifts benefiting the Berkeley campus of The Regents of the University of California (the Campus), including those gifted to the University of California, Berkeley Foundation (the Foundation).

Water Protection

Establishes roles and responsibilities for protecting and enhancing the environmental quality of state and local waterways in accordance with the federal Clean Water Act, the state Porter- Cologne Water Quality Control Act, other federal, state, and local regulations, and other campus policies.

Voice Communications

All individuals on UC Berkeley property must consult with the University of California Police Department, Berkeley (UCPD) when modifying an existing or when creating a new campus telecommunication system or device on UC Berkeley-owned or -occupied property.

Video Security Applications

The University of California, Berkeley Police Department (hereafter UCPD) reserves the right to review and approve any proposed or existing installation of video security applications on properties owned, leased, or controlled by the campus. All video security applications must conform to federal and state law in addition to University policy. Video security applications must conform to standards established by the UCPD so recorded data are easily retrievable. Although video monitoring will not be used to view or record personal living areas, nothing in this policy prevents the use of video monitoring or surveillance in connection with an active criminal investigation or specific court order.

Visitors to Animal Facilities

Campus animal facilities are open to visitation at any time by the Director, Office of Laboratory Animal Care (OLAC) and his/her staff, members of the campus Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC), representatives of inspecting and/or accrediting agencies, and other agencies as required by law. Access to animal facilities by other visitors is restricted and monitored to protect the health and safety of both visitors and research animals and to avoid disrupting research activities.

Vacant Space

Space Management and Capital Programs (SMCP) is responsible for the overall management of vacant campus spaces. SMCP works with Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S), Campus Police (UCPD), Capital Projects (CP), and Physical Plant-Campus Services (PPCS) to develop and implement plans for the proper security and maintenance of vacant space. Former occupants must develop and implement a plan for the removal of all moveable items and waste (including hazardous waste) to ensure the spaces they vacate are in broom clean condition. Vacating units should be prepared to fund the cost of their move, although a campus contribution for some moves may be appropriate and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Units that fail to adhere to approved vacancy plans will be moved by the campus and charged a 25% premium.

Vehicle Access to Campus

All vehicles coming onto the University of California, Berkeley campus must observe the driving and parking regulations in this policy.

Smoke- and Tobacco-Free Campus

Prohibits the use of tobacco, smokeless tobacco, or unregulated nicotine products (i.e. “e-cigarettes”), as well as the sale and advertising of tobacco products, in indoor and outdoor spaces owned or leased by UC Berkeley.