Emergency Evacuation Preparedness Policy

Responsible Executive

Vice Chancellor of Administration

Responsible Office

Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
Email: oem@berkeley.edu

Website: https://oem.berkeley.edu/


Director of the Office of Emergency Management

Policy, Complaint, and Special Project Manager
Disability Access and Compliance (DAC)


December 2, 2024


December 31, 2025

Next Review December 2, 2029

Policy Statement

UC Berkeley is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of the entire campus community (students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and visitors). Should an event occur that necessitates the evacuation of a building, the evacuation of a section of campus, or the evacuation of the entire campus, UC Berkeley students, faculty, staff, and volunteers must follow the instructions of emergency personnel and otherwise comply with the procedures defined in this policy.


  • Access and Functional Needs (AFN): Relates to individuals who may have additional needs before, during, and/or after an incident in functional areas, including but not limited to maintaining independence, communication, transportation, supervision, and maintaining health. Individuals needing additional response assistance may include those with disabilities, seniors, people who are pregnant, children, and people who have limited English proficiency or are non-English speaking.
  • Building Emergency Coordinator: The person (or persons) with appropriate training responsible for promoting a culture of emergency preparedness within a particular building and facilitating the evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency.
  • Building Emergency Plan (BEP): A document that delineates how emergency response is coordinated in a specific building.
  • Designated Waiting Area: A space within a building designated for occupants to wait during a fire or other emergency when evacuation may not be safe or possible.
  • Emergency: An event, natural or human-caused, that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, and/or the environment. A serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action. Examples include, but are not limited to, fires, earthquakes, explosions, floods, landslides, toxic material releases, radiological and biological accidents, civil disturbances, and active threats of violence. 
  • Emergency Operation Center (EOC): The physical or virtual space where a pre-identified and trained cross-functional group of UC Berkeley staff convene to coordinate information and resources to manage and support emergency response efforts to protect life, conserve property, and help restore campus to its normal operational status as quickly as possible.
  • Evacuation:  The urgent and immediate emptying of an occupied area and the movement of its occupants to a safe location.
  • Events and Crisis Management Team (ECMT): A pre-identified and trained group of UC Berkeley senior leaders who provide policy-level guidance and decision support to the overall emergency response organization when an emergency occurs. The ECMT supports the EOC in protecting life, conserving property, and helping restore campus to its normal operational status as quickly as possible.
  • Individualized Emergency Evacuation Plan (IEEP): A plan developed with and for an individual with AFN at their request, which should include the potential locations from which they may require evacuation, evacuation routes, other AFN requirements, and the individuals who may be identified as being willing to assist (if able) that individual in the event of an evacuation.

Scope of Policy

This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and volunteers at UC Berkeley. The policy covers all campus buildings and spaces.

Why We Have This Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide the overarching framework and expectations guiding the evacuation of campus areas and/or campus buildings. 

Every member of the UC Berkeley community should know how to evacuate from their location in case of an emergency, and must follow the instructions of emergency personnel during an evacuation. 

Due to potential resource constraints during emergencies, all UC Berkeley students, faculty, staff, and volunteers should develop and maintain a personal evacuation plan, consistent with this policy, that can be implemented independently without assistance from UC Berkeley to the extent possible.

The processes provided herein are subject to change based on current best practices and regulations, along with the specific emergency circumstances presented.


UC Berkeley’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) will maintain a campus emergency operations plan as well as building-specific evacuation strategies. UC Berkeley’s evacuation plan will be communicated to the campus community annually. The message will include links to this policy and to other emergency and evacuation resources.

The UC Berkeley community will be notified of an evacuation through one or a combination of channels which may include but are not limited to: campus email; WarnMe text messages; UC Berkeley’s emergency website; emergency sirens; and UC Berkeley social media channels. The notification may include additional information on the status of classes, the availability of evacuation assistance, the status of campus services, and other incident-related information. Additional emergency information and more detailed evacuation instructions specific to an office, school, building, or location may be provided by Building Emergency Coordinators, Deans, Directors, and/or Vice Chancellors.

Once an evacuation is determined to be necessary, all students, faculty, staff, and volunteers must vacate that area and may not return for any reason until it has been declared safe to do so by the UC Berkeley EOC.

All students, faculty, staff, and volunteers should have a personal evacuation plan that they can implement without assistance from UC Berkeley, as campus resources may not be available in certain emergency situations. These personal evacuation plans may be written down, but this is not a requirement.

People with Access and Functional Needs (AFN) are encouraged to complete the Access and Functional Needs Questionnaire, which provides information to the Office of Emergency Management about what assistance or needs they may have before, during, or after an evacuation. Additionally, people with AFN are encouraged to request campus assistance in developing their own IEEP. It is recommended that people with AFN have contingency plans in place to ensure they have their AFN met. Staff and faculty with AFN are encouraged to inform their supervisors of their AFN and evacuation plans. Students with AFN are encouraged to inform their friends and instructors of their AFN and evacuation plans.

Individuals who have questions about the location of their department’s evacuation chair(s), or have any other AFN questions may contact the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) or email oem@berkeley.edu

Individuals with questions about their building’s emergency plans should contact their Building Emergency Coordinator. (Add link to list in due course)

If UC Berkeley is able to give advance notice of the requirement for a campus-wide evacuation (e.g. an approaching wildfire likely to require an evacuation), students, faculty, staff, and volunteers should promptly evacuate their campus facilities and take any valuables, service dogs, and emotional support animals with them if it is safe to do so. 

If UC Berkeley is not able to give advance notice of a campus-wide evacuation (e.g. due to toxic material release), students, faculty, staff, and volunteers should immediately leave the area or building without taking additional time to gather personal belongings.

In the case of a campus-wide evacuation, students, faculty, staff, and volunteers may not remain on UC Berkeley property unless they have been identified as essential personnel by their supervisor. Supervisors must submit their list of essential personnel to OEM for review and approval. OEM will inform the personnel of the requirement to remain on campus during an evacuation. It is expected that all non-essential personnel will evacuate and remain off the affected property until it has been deemed safe for re-entry by UC Berkeley officials. 

During an evacuation, individuals who are in crisis or need emergency assistance should call or text 911.

Individuals who have questions or concerns regarding this policy may contact OEM at oem@berkeley.edu


The UC Berkeley’s OEM will:

  • Coordinate the analysis of hazards/threats when notified to determine if/when a large scale emergency evacuation is warranted to protect life and property.

  • Ensure coordination of communication about the need to evacuate to those impacted by confirmed credible hazards/threats.

  • Ensure that all emergency-related communications (e.g., bulletins, alerts, evacuation instructions, etc.) are accessible under the ADA.

  • Manage a coordinated effort that includes impacted departments and specific buildings to promote safe emergency evacuation operations. 

  • Conduct annual trainings, drills, and tests compliant with federal requirements, and update plans, policies, and procedures for emergency evacuations as required.

  • Ensure “Designated Waiting Areas” are clearly marked and accessible. 

  • Send out information about the Access and Functional Needs Questionnaire for people with AFN.

  • Securely store, analyze, and monitor the responses to the Access and Functional Needs Questionnaire, and ensure the information is only shared with emergency response personnel as and when required.

  • Ensure relevant personnel and UC Berkeley first responders have adequate training in:

    • Operation of evacuation chairs;
    • Communicating with evacuees in conformance with the ADA’s effective communication requirement; and
    • Disability etiquette.
  • Develop Emergency Evacuation Plans or update existing plans to:

    • Identify and, if necessary, create clearly marked accessible evacuation routes in and around all buildings;
    • Confirm that all evacuation assembly areas are accessible and change the location of any that are not; and
    • Evaluate the accessibility of all emergency warning and communication systems and remediate barriers as necessary. 
  • Work with individuals with AFN and Building Emergency Coordinators to develop IEEPs when an IEEP is requested by a person with an AFN.

    • Discuss the process and options for evacuation during an emergency with individuals requesting an IEEP. (Options may include the use of evacuation chairs and/or the need to stay in an area of refuge until first responders are on the scene, as appropriate.)

  • Ensure that requests for IEEPs are addressed within two weeks of request.

  • Ensure IEEPs identify all of the following:
    • Designated Waiting Areas in buildings requested by the individual;
    • The means and location of two-way communication, or other method of emergency communication, in areas of safe refuge identified by the IEEP;
    • An accessible path of travel to the designated waiting area as well as an accessible means of egress from the designated waiting area; and
    • Person(s) identified to assist an individual with a disability in the event of an emergency (including first responders, where appropriate).
  • Ensure each multi-story building in campus housing has a minimum of one emergency evacuation chair per building. Buildings may require more than one upon request from multiple individuals or building-specific planning efforts. 
  • Ensure high-traffic, multi-story buildings (e.g., libraries, student centers, sports/entertainment venues, high-occupancy classroom buildings, etc.) have a minimum of one emergency evacuation chair.

  • Ensure IEEP consultation includes discussion about the provision of emergency evacuation chairs; and when required, ensure:
    • Funding for chairs;
    • Timely purchase and installation of chairs; and
    • Clear communication with the requesting individual regarding the time to deployment of the requested evacuation chair, any delays, and the mechanism by which they will be evacuated in the interim should an emergency arise.
  • Ensure that the Campus Fire Marshal and Building Emergency Coordinator confirm the appropriate placement of the emergency evacuation chairs to comply with all relevant codes, including fire and building codes.

  • In conjunction with the Fire Marshal and Building Emergency Coordinators, ensure proper training on the use and storage of emergency evacuation chairs in all buildings where such chairs are used.

  • Establish clear procedures for managing, accessing, and/or deploying emergency evacuation chairs.

  • Maintain a list of individuals responsible for managing, accessing, and/or deploying emergency evacuation chairs.

  • In conjunction with the Fire Marshal, provide and maintain records of proper and regular training to the individuals responsible for managing, accessing, and/or deploying emergency evacuation chairs.

  • In conjunction with the Fire Marshal and Building Emergency Coordinators, ensure regular evacuation drills are conducted.

  • In conjunction with the Fire Marshal, provide and maintain records of ongoing maintenance of emergency evacuation chairs.

  • Build and maintain a list of the location (building, floor, stairwell, etc.) of all emergency evacuation chairs located on the campus.

The Office of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) Fire Marshall will:

  • In conjunction with the Building Official, confirm the appropriate placement of the emergency evacuation chairs to comply with all relevant codes, including fire and building codes.

  • In conjunction with the OEM and Building Emergency Coordinators, ensure proper training on the use and storage of emergency evacuation chairs in all buildings where such chairs are used.

  • In conjunction with the OEM, provide and maintain records of proper and regular training to the individuals responsible for managing, accessing, and/or deploying emergency evacuation chairs.

  • In conjunction with the OEM and Building Emergency Coordinators, ensure regular evacuation drills are carried out.

  • In conjunction with the OEM, provide and maintain records of ongoing maintenance of emergency evacuation chairs.

The University of California Police Department (UCPD) will:

  • Track emergency calls coming into dispatch and triage appropriate emergency evacuation responses.

  • Liaise with local and regional emergency response agencies to support evacuation efforts.

  • Participate in annual trainings and drills to test and update plans, policies, and procedures for emergency evacuations. 

  • Receive proper annual training on the use of emergency evacuation chairs.

Disability Access and Compliance (DAC) will:

  • Ensure that the name and contact of the department or person who will work with individuals with disabilities to develop an IEEP is prominently displayed on disability services and emergency planning websites and in information/handbooks for academic, housing, and employment accommodations. 

  • Support OEM by identifying stakeholders with disabilities or disability experience who can participate in the emergency planning process.

  • Liaise as appropriate on evacuation training and IEEP development for people with disabilities. 

  • Promote cross-departmental coordination to comply with the ADA.

Each department will:

  • Designate a Building Emergency Coordinator(s) for any building they are responsible for, inform OEM who that person is, and if that person changes.

  • Support the Building Emergency Coordinator by allocating ample time and resources for emergency preparedness training and BEP development.

  • Ensure there is at least one evacuation chair in each multi-story building and support the installation of additional chairs upon request from the Building Emergency Coordinator and/or OEM. 

The Building Emergency Coordinator will:

  • Maintain a BEP and know the plans for safely evacuating all occupants of their building(s).

  • Maintain a roster of any students, faculty, staff, and volunteers with AFN who have indicated through the Access and Functional Needs Questionnaire that they may regularly work, study, or live in that building.

  • Know how to assist people with AFN in the case of an evacuation and promote the safe and timely evacuation of people with AFN if emergency personnel are unable to respond immediately.

  • Assess the effectiveness of any IEEPs during evacuation drills. 

  • Know how to set up the evacuation chair and ensure it is ready for use in the case of an emergency.

  • Conduct a needs assessment to establish the number and placement of evacuation chairs required in the building to support the evacuation of people with AFN.

  • Remain up to date with training on the use and storage of emergency evacuation chairs, and train others as required.

  • In conjunction with the OEM and Fire Marshal, ensure proper storage and maintenance of emergency evacuation chairs.

  • In conjunction with the OEM and the Fire Marshal, ensure regular evacuation drills are conducted.

Events and Crisis Management Team (ECMT) will:

  • Assess the campus-wide ramifications of the emergency.

  • Authorize a campus-wide evacuation.

  • Determine academic, research, and public events continuity posture (whether classes will continue, go remote, be postponed, etc.).

  • Provide ongoing policy-level decision support to the EOC.

Emergency Operation Center (EOC) Team will:

  • Request authorization for a campus-wide evacuation from the Events and Crisis Management Team (ECMT) if deemed appropriate.

  • Authorize and help coordinate building evacuations.

  • Coordinate with the City of Berkeley, County of Alameda, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, emergency responders, and other key community partners to promote safe and effective evacuation operations.

  • Provide coordination support to any search and rescue operations.

  • Coordinate damage assessment efforts to determine when it is safe to re-enter campus buildings and/or spaces.

Students should:

  • Develop, maintain, and regularly update their own personal evacuation plan.

  • Complete the Access and Functional Needs Questionnaire if they have an AFN.

  • Contact OEM if they require assistance to develop their IEEP.

  • Know the evacuation routes from the areas where they live or regularly attend classes, study, and socialize.

Faculty and Instructors should:

  • Develop, maintain, and regularly update their own personal evacuation plan.

  • Complete the Access and Functional Needs Questionnaire if they have an AFN.

  • Contact OEM if they require assistance to develop their IEEP.

  • Know the evacuation routes from their offices and any areas where they work and teach.

  • Be aware that in the case of an emergency, students and people with AFN may look to them for guidance and assistance.

  • Know, help develop, and be prepared to implement any specific requirements to maintain academic continuity in the case of an evacuation.

Staff, Researchers, Laboratory Personnel, and volunteers should:

  • Develop, maintain, and regularly update their own personal evacuation plan.

  • Complete the Access and Functional Needs Questionnaire if they have an AFN.

  • Contact OEM if they require assistance to develop their IEEP.

  • Understand any specific safety and emergency plans for their worksite or laboratory.

  • Know the evacuation routes from their offices/laboratories and any areas where they regularly work.

  • Be aware that in the case of an emergency, students, visitors, volunteers, and people with AFN may look to them for guidance and assistance.

Additionally, Supervisors should:

  • Know their BEP and who their Building Emergency Coordinator is.

  • Know which of their direct reports have AFN (if they have made their supervisor aware) and know how to assist people with AFN in the case of an evacuation.

Consequences of Policy Violations

In the event of a policy violation, UC Berkeley students, faculty, and staff may be disciplined under appropriate policies, including but not limited to the Faculty Code of Conduct, the Student Code of Conduct, Personnel Policies for Staff Members, or an applicable collective bargaining agreement.

Related Documents and Policies

Campus Emergency Operations Plan