
Extramural Support Proposals (Principal Investigator Status)

Proposals for extramural support of research, training, or public service projects may be submitted only by eligible Berkeley campus appointees who have primary responsibility for design, execution, and management of the project, who will be involved in the project in a significant manner, and who will serve on a research project as principal investigator or on a training or public service project as project or program director. When two or more principal investigators are listed in a proposal, the first person named will be responsible for the overall supervision and management of the proposed project. In instances of multi-institutional projects, researchers who do not hold Berkeley campus appointments may be included as principal investigators or co-principal investigators for that portion of a project conducted under their direct supervision with project funds allocated or subcontracted to their home institution. In instances in which such subcontracting is impracticable, individuals without Berkeley appointments can be named as co-principal investigators but they cannot be the first Co-PI listed. The first co-principal investigator listed in the proposal must hold an eligible Berkeley campus appointment.

Environmental Enforcement on Campus Property

The University of California, Berkeley (“the campus”) will protect the environment, enforce environmental regulations, and take appropriate actions, including possible legal action, against violators through the UC Berkeley Environmental Enforcement Code (“Environmental Code” or “Code”).

Enforcement of Safety Standards in Academic Environments

The University of California is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for the campus community. Faculty, students, and other personnel in laboratories and other academic settings may work with hazardous materials, equipment, and processes. With regard to safety and environmental protection, this teaching and research work is governed by state and federal regulations and University policies.

Emergency Management and Continuity of Operations

This policy establishes the authorities to support the campus organizational structure for responding to and recovering from emergencies that overwhelm or threaten to overwhelm campus resources. Emergencies may include earthquakes, fires, civil disorders, utility disruptions, or any significantly disruptive event that threatens public safety and property.

Email Service Policy

Campus Email Service supplies email and mailing list services in support of the University's mission of education, research and public service and to conduct the University's business. Access to and use of Campus Email Service is a privilege accorded at the discretion of the University. Use of campus email service is subject to legal and policy restrictions that apply to all University property and by constraints necessary for the reliable operation of electronic communication systems and services. The Berkeley Campus reserves the right to deny access to use campus email service when necessary to satisfy these restrictions and constraints.

Energy Use

The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) will manage its operations so that energy and carbon is used in the most sustainable manner possible while providing a safe and comfortable environment for teaching, research, and public service.

Distribution of Income from UC Regents’ Short Term Investment Pool (STIP)

Regulates interest income from the Regents' Short Term Investment Pool (STIP). The Chancellor will generally retain the interest income received for funds with positive cash balances, though when governmental or University regulation require the campus to distribute STIP income to the fund source, the income will be credited to the fund. For funds with negative cash balances, a charge will be assessed on certain fund types. Donors will be informed as appropriate.

Disclosure of Financial Interests, Public Health Service

The Public Health Service (PHS) requires disclosure of significant financial interests by investigators who participate in PHS-funded research either directly or via subaward. The American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Alliance for Lupus Research, Arthritis Foundation, and Susan G. Komen Foundation have also adopted PHS requirements. The Research and Administrative Compliance Conflict of Interest Office has developed a three-stage process to implement the disclosure, review, and reporting requirements of the revised PHS financial disclosure regulations.

Departmental Information Security Contact Policy

This Policy establishes responsibilities of Departments and Information Security Contacts in order to ensure that the UC Berkeley Information Security Office (ISO) is able to contact departments in the event of a security incident. The ability to quickly contact responsible personnel and have them take appropriate action is critical in mitigating the negative effects of an incident.

Course Note-Taking and Materials

The University of California, Berkeley encourages students to take notes in class and other instructional settings as part of their education. Note-taking is a means of recording information and helps students absorb and integrate what they learn. Note-taking or other recording of an instructor’s presentation can also facilitate further discussion of the material with students and the instructor. However, class notes and recordings are based on the intellectual effort of the instructor, who has an interest in protecting this effort and ensuring the accuracy of any public representation of his/her work. When notes or other recording of instructors’ presentations are sold or shared, they may infringe on the copyrights of the instructors and may violate the campus prohibition on unauthorized commercial activity. This policy sets forth the limitations on use of course notes and course materials and the making and use of recordings of instructors’ class presentations.