
Cost Principles for Sponsored Agreements (Contracts and Grants)

All funds must be spent in accordance with University policy, applicable state and federal law, and sponsor terms and conditions. Principal Investigators (PIs) are responsible for the management and administration of their awards including all expenditures of project funds. Only allowable, allocable, and reasonable technical and administrative costs may be charged directly to sponsored agreements. Direct costs must be given consistent treatment as either a direct or an indirect cost.

Copyright Notices on Campus Websites

Although a notice is not legally required to assert copyright on works published on and after March 1, 1989, displaying a copyright notice on websites is still a very good idea. A notice clarifies who owns the work, emphasizes that the owner asserts copyright, and encourages contact by those who wish to use the material. If any legal disputes arise, a posted notice may help defend against claims of "innocent infringement".

Capitalized Assets (Inventorial Equipment)

Any non-expendable, tangible personal property item purchased for $5,000 or more and with a useful life of one year or more must be added to the University's inventory of personal property. This threshold may be superseded by other government, state, or other funding source terms and conditions associated with the funding and University purchase of assets associated with a funded project. To exercise appropriate stewardship of departmental assets, departments may employ additional asset tracking requirements for those items under $5,000 and deemed at risk to loss.

Campus Information Technology Security Policy

In order to fulfill its mission of teaching, research, and public service, the campus is committed to providing a secure yet open network that protects the integrity and confidentiality of information while maintaining its accessibility. Each member of the campus community is responsible for the security and protection of electronic information resources over which they have control. Resources to be protected include networks, computers, software, and data. The physical and logical integrity of these resources must be protected against threats such as unauthorized intrusions, malicious misuse, or inadvertent compromise. Activities outsourced to off-campus entities must comply with the same or equivalent security requirements as in-house activities.

Awards Close-Out

Award close-out procedures are primarily focused on achieving the following goals in accordance with agency and University requirements: (1) Preparing all final reports and invoices for submission to the awarding agency; and (2) Inactivating the fund in BFS. Failure to submit a financial report on time puts the University at risk of incurring penalties, including the withholding of an award, withholding payments on invoices, or revocation of the Expanded Authorities Agreement.

Assessment and Distribution of the Campus Philanthropic Allocation and Research Administrative Fee

It is the policy of the University of California, Berkeley to offset a portion of the costs of advancement activities and administering research gift funds, and to provide funding for deferred maintenance, by assessing a philanthropic allocation OR research administrative fee on each gift. For non-research gifts, gifts are assessed a philanthropic allocation of 7.5%. For research gifts, defined as funds to support the research of one or more specified faculty members acting as Principal Investigators (PIs) for a specific research project, OR as general research support for a specified PI, gifts are assessed a research administrative fee of 13%.


The purpose of this memorandum is to restate and clarify University policy on the question of who may attend and participate as students or auditors in University classes and, in this connection, to define the authority and respon-sibility of the instructor.

Affirmative Action Plan, Staff

Affirmative Action is one aspect of the federal government's effort to ensure equal employment opportunity. Executive Order 11246 prohibits federal contractors like the University of California from discriminating against employees on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, or national origin, and requires contractors to implement affirmative action plans to increase the participation of minorities and women in the workplace. With the implementation of The Regents' Resolution SP-2, effective January 1, 1996, UC hiring authorities can conduct targeted outreach to minorities and women only where underutilization has been identified. The Berkeley Campus Staff Affirmative Action Plan serves as a working document for reporting on career staff personnel actions and implementing the campus commitment to affirmative action.

Administrative Full Costing

The University of California, Berkeley will charge an administrative full costing fee on external funds received from the sales and services of educational activities, auxiliary enterprises, agency activities, service enterprises, and other operating revenue.