Emergency Management and Continuity of Operations

Responsible Executive

Vice Chancellor-Administration

Responsible Office

Office of Emergency Management 







Supersedes None, New Policy
Next Review 5/1/2022

Policy Statement

This policy establishes the authorities to support the campus organizational structure for responding to and recovering from emergencies that overwhelm or threaten to overwhelm campus resources. Emergencies may include earthquakes, fires, civil disorders, utility disruptions, or any significantly disruptive event that threatens public safety and property. 

Scope of Policy

This policy is applicable to the entire campus. 

Why We Have This Policy

The University of California, Berkeley has an obligation to safeguard the welfare of students, faculty, staff, and visitors and to protect the University’s mission of teaching, research, and public service during and after emergencies. The campus has a responsibility to respond to emergencies in a prompt and proactive way to minimize impacts on life safety, property, and the environment, as well as the impacts and consequences on the stability and reputation of the University of California system. All campus resources may be made available for response and recovery during an emergency including campus employees and physical assets. 

Responding to a campus or regional emergency involves the coordination of multiple campus units. Units designated with an emergency response function include, but are not limited to: Office of Emergency Management (OEM); University of California Police Department (UCPD); Facilities Services; Information Services and Technology; Environment, Health & Safety; Residential Student Services Programs; Public Affairs; Office of Laboratory Animal Care; University Health Services; and Human Resources. 


Declaration of an Emergency

  • The Chancellor or designee has the authority to proclaim a campus State of Emergency.
    • The campus Emergency Operations Center (EOC) or Office of Emergency Management (if the EOC is not activated) is responsible for notifying the University of California Office of the President (UCOP), the City of Berkeley, and Alameda County Emergency Services of the campus state of emergency proclamation.
  • The Vice Chancellor-Administration & Finance (VCAF) or designee has the authority to approve activation of the campus EOC. For large-scale incidents that severely affect communications, the activation of the EOC will be assumed and will not require formal approval. 

Response Operations during an Emergency 

Detailed procedures for campus emergency response can be found in the Campus Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and Crisis Management Plan. This policy describes the authorities of key campus response entities. 

  • The Crisis Management Team (CMT) provides overall policy guidance for response and recovery activities. The CMT has the authority to temporarily override existing campus policies, procedures, resource assignments, and schedule commitments in support of response and recovery efforts. The CMT will consult with and receive approval from UCOP when making decisions that affect systemwide policies.
  • The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is the central location for coordinating and managing emergency response operations. The EOC has the authority to coordinate response operations with the City of Berkeley, Alameda County, California Office of Emergency Services, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and others as needed. The campus EOC is activated based on procedures outlined in the EOP.
  • The EOC Director has the authority to direct EOC operations and determine response priorities and objectives. When the EOC is activated, the EOC Director is responsible for the overall management of all emergency response activities, including the development and implementation of operational response decisions.
  • The Incident Commander has overall responsibility for on-scene operations and reports to the EOC Director via the EOC Operations Section Chief. An Incident Command Post (ICP), staffed by Police Department personnel and other agency personnel as needed will provide a standardized process for the incident command of emergency field operations. If appropriate, a Unified Command will be established with outside agencies and organizations.
  • Campus Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) are led by units that have a key operational role in campus emergency response. ESFs have the authority to coordinate and manage response actions within their area of responsibility as defined in the campus EOP. When the EOC is activated, the ESFs take general direction from the EOC. 
  • During a campus or regional emergency, UC Berkeley Employees may be assigned work within an organizational structure and reporting line that does not resemble the routine organizational structure of the campus. 

Recovery Operations after an Emergency 

  • The CMT is responsible for assigning a Recovery Coordinating Unit and/or Recovery Manager following a major campus or regional emergency. 
  • High Impact Campus Units (as defined in the UC Ready Continuity Planning Tool) are responsible for maintaining and/or restoring department essential functions in support of campuswide essential functions. 

Public Information 

Detailed procedures for crisis communications can be found in the UC Berkeley Crisis Communications Plan, written and maintained by the Office of Communications and Public Affairs. This policy describes the authorities related to public messaging. 

  • The Public Information Officer (PIO) has the authority to speak for the campus and to inform the campus community, general public, and media of campus emergency response operations and required actions. The PIO, in coordination with the Public Affairs ESF, is responsible for disseminating timely and accurate information to the public. 

Campus Closure/Shutdown 

In the event of a large-scale emergency or serious risk to the health, safety, and security of the campus community, the Chancellor or designee, in consultation with the Crisis Management Team, has the authority to close the campus and suspend some or all campus activities. 

  • Once a decision is made to close the campus, notification will be made via WarnMe/Nixle, CalMessages, KALX 90.7, UC Berkeley homepage, social media, campus emergency hotline, and broader external media resources. 
  • During a campus closure, certain critical functions may receive priority status for continuation (e.g., maintenance of utilities, care and feeding of lab animals, etc.). 
  • The VCAF or designee will notify the unions and coordinate with campus leadership and UCOP on the response to union concerns. 


Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost 
  • Co-Chairs the Crisis Management Team.
  • Ensures academic units are appropriately engaged in emergency and continuity planning and are adequately prepared for emergencies. 
Vice Chancellor-Administration & Finance: 
  • Co-Chairs the Crisis Management Team. 
  • Approves activation of the EOC.
  • Implements campuswide safeguards, security, and emergency management programs.
  • Commits personnel, equipment, and financial resources in support of emergency planning, response, and recovery. 
Emergency Management Advisory Committee: 
  • Provides guidance and input to, and assists with the development, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of the campus Emergency Management program. 
Office of Emergency Management: 
  • Oversees and coordinates the Emergency Management program including campuswide emergency planning, preparedness, exercise and training, and response and recovery efforts. 
  • Recommends and oversees activation of the EOC.
  • Monitors compliance with Building Emergency Plans (BEPs) and departmental continuity plans.
  • Oversees and manages post-incident assessment and corrective action plans. 
  • Serves as first responders for the campus; summons and coordinates additional first response support (e.g., Berkeley Fire Department) as needed. 
  • Establishes and oversees the Incident Command Post(s).
  • Recommends activation of the EOC.
  • Serve as the functional owner of the campus mass notification system, WarnMe/Nixle and issue mass notifications as needed to the campus community.
  • Coordinates with local public safety agencies to request mutual aid. 
Emergency Support Function Coordinating Units (ESFs; see Appendix A for a list): 
  • Develop and maintain up-to-date emergency response plans, procedures, and trained staff in alignment with the campus EOP. 
High Impact Campus Units: 
  • Develop and maintain departmental UC Ready continuity plans. 
  • Restore and/or maintain their unit’s essential functions in accordance with the maximum allowable downtime as defined in UC Ready. 
Building Coordinators: 
  • Maintain up-to-date updated BEPs that comply with Cal/OSHA Standards and the California Code of Regulations. Compliance includes creating and maintaining updated BEPs and training staff in evacuation procedures, and participating fully in fire drills scheduled by the UC Berkeley Fire Marshal. 
  • Oversee the safe evacuation of building occupants and ensure procedures for accounting for occupants are successfully completed. 
All Employees: 
  • Evacuate buildings when fire alarms sound (for any reason), or as instructed by emergency personnel, building coordinators or departmental management. 
  • In the event of an emergency, follow instructions provided by responding authorities, or as outlined in the appropriate BEP.
  • Participate in departmental roll call. Help guide students, visitors, and others in the area who may be less familiar with campus emergency procedures. 


  • Building Coordinator (BC): Individual responsible for leading preparedness, readiness, and response activities for buildings including developing and implementing a Building Emergency Plan; leading planning efforts with building occupants; and serving as an emergency communications liaison between building occupants and campus units in both emergencies and day‐to‐day operations. 
  • Building Emergency Plan (BEP): A written document required by Cal OSHA regulations related to emergency procedures and designed to facilitate and organize employer and employee actions during workplace emergencies. 
  • Continuity Plan: A written document that describes how an entity will recover or restore partially or completely interrupted essential functions within a predetermined time after a disruption. 
  • Crisis Management Team (CMT): Group providing executive-level oversight and decision- making during a crisis or emergency; co-chaired by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and Vice Chancellor-Administration & Finance. 
  • Emergency: A natural or human-caused event that requires rapid response to protect life, property, the environment, and the ability to fulfill the University’s mission. 
  • Emergency Management: An established system of planning and preparing for, responding to, recovering from, and mitigating consequences of emergencies and disasters. 
  • Emergency Operations Center (EOC): The central location for coordinating and managing emergency response operations on campus.
  • Emergency Operations Plan (EOP): An all-hazards document that specifies actions to be taken in the event of an emergency or disaster; defines a flexible response framework that is in effect at all times.
  • Emergency Support Function (ESF): A grouping of campus units with similar capabilities organized to manage the impacts of an emergency or disaster within a specific functional area.
  • High Impact Campus Unit: A campus unit responsible for maintaining and/or restoring essential departmental functions in support of essential campuswide functions, as defined in the UC Ready continuity planning tool. 
  • Incident Command Post (ICP): The field location where tactical on-scene operations are planned and managed.
  • UC Ready: Continuity planning software used to facilitate departmental continuity planning.
  • Unified Command: An authority structure in which the role of Incident Commander is shared by two or more individuals, each already having authority in a different responding agency. 

Appendix A: Emergency Support Function List

ESF # ESF Name Roles and Responsibilities Coordinating Units
1 Transportation 
  • Manage the movement of people, materials, and resources
  • Coordinate transportation resources, including mutual aid and private sector resources 
Parking and Transportation (P&T) 
2 Communications 
  • Ensure the provision and coordination of voice and data communications in support of response operations
  • Facilitate the restoration of the communication infrastructure 
Information Services and Technology (IST) 
3 Infrastructure and Utilities 
  • Protect, assess, and restore critical campus infrastructure
  • Coordinate debris management operations
  • Assess, repair, and restore energy and utility infrastructure and coordinate restoration with utility providers 
Real Estate (RE) 
4 Fire-Fighting Provided externally by Berkeley Fire Department, Oakland Fire, and other responding agencies  N/A 
5 Emergency Management 
  • Coordinate activities to support preparedness
  • Maintain, activate, and support the campus EOC
  • Coordinate requests for off campus assistance 
Office of Emergency Management (OEM) 
6 Mass Care and Sheltering 
  • Coordinate emergency mass care operations, including feeding and sheltering
  • Coordinate long-term housing needs 
Residential and Student Service Programs (RSSP) 
7 Resource Management 
  • Identify, procure, and coordinate resource identification
  • Coordinate personnel augmentation
  • Manage volunteer and donations 

Note: Resource Management is coordinated through the EOC Logistics and Finance/Administration Sections 

Procurement Services 
8 Public Health and Medical 
  • Coordinate public health response
  • Provide disaster medical triage
  • Coordinate medical transport
  • Provide mental health services
  • Manage mass fatality response operations 
University Health Services (UHS)
9 Urban Search and Rescue  Provided externally by Berkeley Fire Department and other responding agencies.  N/A 
10 Hazardous Materials 
  • Coordinate hazardous materials response and cleanup 
Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) 
11 Animal Welfare
  • Coordinate animal and plant disease response
  • Coordinate care of research animals and other sheltered animals 
Office of Laboratory Animal Care (OLAC) 
12 Energy  Represented by ESF 3: Infrastructure and Utilities  N/A 
13 Public Safety 
  • Coordinate law enforcement activities
  • Provide security in support of response operations
  • Coordinate mass notification system operations 
University of California Police Department (UCPD) 
14 Recovery 
  • Coordinate campus recovery initiatives
  • Coordinate construction and/or restoration of campus facilities. 

Note: A Recovery Coordinating Unit will be assigned by the Crisis Management Team based on the nature of the emergency 

To be assigned by the CMT 
15 Public Affairs 
  • Provide emergency public information and protective actions guidance
  • Coordinate media and community relations 
Public Affairs (PA)