Vehicle Access to Campus

Responsible Executive

Vice Chancellor-Administration

Responsible Office

University of California, Berkeley Police Department (UCPD) 






Supersedes Revision of June 12, 2007
Next Review


Policy Summary

All vehicles coming onto the University of California, Berkeley campus must observe the driving and parking regulations in this policy. 

Scope of Policy 

This policy applies to everyone driving and/or parking a vehicle on campus. 

Why We Have This Policy 

This policy is intended to promote the safety of the thousands of pedestrians who walk on the University of California, Berkeley campus every day.  Additionally, in keeping with the Homeland Security mandate of insuring the physical safety of the campus, UCPD is charged with implementing security measures and strategies to prevent unidentified vehicles from parking near campus buildings.  



  • Administers, interprets, and revises this policy.
  • Periodically updates and re-issues the campus access map.
  • Enforces this policy as required.
  • Maintains the barrier pole system.
  • Considers requests for vehicle access to restricted areas.
  • Issues barrier pole keys to drivers granted access to restricted areas and retrieves those keys when necessary. 

Parking & Transportation: 

  • Enforces this policy by issuing citations to violators.
  • Distributes up-to-date campus access maps to drivers entering the campus.
  • Provides advice to drivers entering the campus.

Supply Chain Management: 

On an ongoing basis, alerts vendors to driving and parking restrictions that apply to commercial vehicles entering the campus.  



To promote the safety of pedestrians and to secure the physical safety of the campus, driving and parking on the campus are restricted. The type of restriction depends on the type of vehicle. 

Driving on campus

  1. Campus service and maintenance vehicles may drive on campus roads marked in blue and yellow on the campus access map. These roads include the West Crescent, Wickson Road, Frank Schlessinger Way, Eshleman Road, the Haas School of Business and Hilgard access roads, Optometry Lane, Barrow Lane, and partial sections of University Drive. There is no through traffic on University Drive. Campus service and maintenance vehicles may also drive on the South Campanile Pathway. Campus service and maintenance vehicles require permission from the UCPD to drive in other campus areas. 
  2. Commercial vehicles may drive on campus roads marked in blue and yellow on the campus access map. These roads include the West Crescent, Wickson Road, Frank Schlessinger Way, University Drive, the Haas School of Business and Hilgard access roads, Optometry Lane, Barrow Lane, and Eshleman Road. Commercial vehicles require express authorization from the UCPD to drive in other campus areas. Delivery vehicles must have a back-up warning system. Vehicles over five tons should have a flag person to assist when backing. 
  3. Commuter and public vehicles may drive on campus roads marked in blue on the campus access map. These roads include the West Crescent, Wickson Road, Frank Schlessinger Way, Eshleman Road, the Haas School of Business and Hilgard access roads, Optometry Lane, Barrow Lane, and partial sections of University Drive. There is no through traffic on University Drive.  Commuter and public vehicles require express authorization from the UCPD to drive in other campus areas. 
  4. Construction vehicles may drive on campus roads marked in blue and yellow on the campus access map. These roads include the West Crescent, Wickson Road, Frank Schlessinger Way, Eshleman Road, the Haas School of Business and Hilgard access roads, Optometry Lane, and partial sections of University Drive. There is no through traffic on University Drive.  Construction vehicles require express authorization from the UCPD to drive in other campus areas. Delivery vehicles must have a back-up warning system. Vehicles over five tons should have a flag person assist when backing. 
  5. Emergency vehicles and Parking Enforcement vehicles are exempt from this policy.
  6.  Motorized wheelchairs and scooters used by persons with disabilities as an accommodation are exempt from this policy. 

Driving in Restricted Areas

Restricted areas are campus roads and pathways not listed as accessible to vehicles in the section above. UCPD usually blocks access to these roads with barrier poles. Permission to drive or park in restricted areas must be obtained from UCPD. 

  1. Campus service and maintenance vehicles and commercial vehicles may request access to restricted areas if one or more of the following criteria are met: 
  • A campus department has specified an operational need for the access.
  • Access to the restricted area cannot be provided by any other reasonable means.
  • Denial of access would jeopardize the campus mission of teaching, research, and public service.
  • Denial of access would jeopardize the safety of individuals or the campus community. 

Requests for access to restricted areas must contribute to the University’s mission and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Campus pathways are not designed for vehicles and access to them will not be granted for convenience. Requests may be made to the UCPD patrol lieutenant via phone at 510-642-6760. Appeals may be addressed to the captain of the UCPD Administration Division, 1 Sproul Hall, MC#1199.

If the UCPD grants access to restricted areas, it may issue the driver a key to remove the barrier poles preventing access. Immediately upon crossing into the restricted area, the driver must put the barrier poles back in place. Failure to replace the barrier poles immediately may result in confiscation of the key and revocation of permission to drive in restricted areas. Failure to return the University key upon request by UCPD could result in a violation of California Penal Code Section 469. 

The UCPD may revoke access to restricted areas at any time. Drivers are required to surrender their barrier pole keys upon demand. Failure to surrender barrier pole keys upon demand will lead to permanent denial of access to restricted areas. 

  1. Commuter and public vehicles may request access to restricted areas if one or more of the following criteria are met: 
  • A campus department has specified an operational need for the access.
  • Access to the restricted area cannot be provided by any other reasonable means.
  • Denial of access would jeopardize the campus mission of teaching, research, and public service.
  • Denial of access would jeopardize the safety of individuals or the campus community. 

Requests for access to restricted areas are considered on a case-by-case basis. Appeals may be addressed to the captain of the UCPD Administration Division, 1 Sproul Hall. 

If the UCPD grants access to restricted areas, it may issue the driver a key to remove the barrier poles preventing access. Immediately upon crossing into the restricted area, the driver must put the barrier poles back in place. Failure to replace the barrier poles immediately may result in confiscation of the key and revocation of permission to drive in restricted areas. Failure to return the university key upon request by UCPD could result in a violation of California Penal Code Section 469. 

The UCPD may revoke access to restricted areas at any time. Drivers are required to surrender their barrier pole keys upon demand. Failure to surrender barrier pole keys upon demand will lead to permanent denial of access to restricted areas. 

  1. Construction vehicles may request access to restricted areas through the Campus Real Estate project manager or Campus Construction & Design project manager. The project manager will relay the request to the UCPD via email (, which will consider requests on a case-by-case basis. Barrier pole access is subject to recharge as defined by the Controller’s Office ( A Police Services Request form must be submitted in advance ( 

If the UCPD grants construction vehicles access to restricted areas, it may issue the vehicle owner a key to remove the barrier poles preventing access. Immediately upon crossing into the restricted area, the driver must put the barrier poles back in place. Failure to replace the barrier poles immediately may result in confiscation of the key and revocation of permission to drive in restricted areas. Failure to return the University key upon request by UCPD could result in a violation of California Penal Code Section 469. 

The UCPD may revoke access to restricted areas at any time. Drivers are required to surrender their barrier pole keys upon demand. Failure to surrender barrier pole keys upon demand will lead to permanent denial of access to restricted areas. 

No construction vehicle may drive on any pathway that is too narrow for it. Drivers will be held liable for any damage they cause to campus landscaping or property. 

Parking on Campus

  1. Campus service and maintenance vehicles may park in departmental service spaces, loading zones, and other maintenance vehicle parking zones indicated on the campus access map. They may also park in any non-reserved parking space. 
  2. Commercial vehicles are not allowed to park on campus. However, they may stop to load or unload materials. Commercial vehicles stopped on landscape, sidewalks, pathways, or access routes may be subject to citation. Commercial vehicles blocking barriers may be subject to citation and/or tow. Drivers will be held liable for any damage they cause to campus property. 
  3. Commuter and public vehicles must possess a valid University of California parking permit to park on campus or University property. Campus parking permits are reserved for campus affiliates (faculty, staff, students) and authorized visitors and contractors. Applicants must show proof of affiliation or approval from a sponsoring department or appropriate campus authority to purchase a permit. The campus Parking Office is currently located at 2150 Kittredge Street, first floor. Applicants may also secure parking by going to the Parking & Transportation Office’s on-line services.
  4. Construction vehicles (heavy equipment excluded) must possess a valid University of California parking permit to park on campus or University property. Permits may be obtained from Campus Real Estate, Campus Construction & Design, or the Parking & Transportation Office (provided Campus Real Estate or Campus Construction & Design approves the request to Parking & Transportation). Construction vehicles parked on landscape, sidewalks, pathways, or access routes may be cited for violation. Construction vehicles blocking barriers may be cited for violation. Drivers will be held liable for any damage they cause to campus property. 
  5.  Emergency vehicles, including UCPD vehicles, may park anywhere on campus. 


  • Campus service and maintenance vehicles: Motorized vehicles owned or leased by the campus and used by campus employees to perform services on campus. Examples include vehicles belonging to Facilities Services, Parking & Transportation, and Environment, Health & Safety.
  • Commercial vehicles: Motorized vehicles, including automobiles, vans, and trucks, used by private enterprises doing business with the University.
  • Commuter and public vehicles: Motorized vehicles, including automobiles, vans, shuttles, and buses, owned by private citizens or public agencies and used to transport individuals to and from the campus.
  • Construction vehicles: Motorized vehicles, including automobiles and trucks, owned by private contractors participating in campus construction projects.
  • Emergency vehicles: Motorized vehicles (including automobiles and trucks), electric vehicles, or golf carts used to respond to threats to life or property. 


The Campus Access Map may be accessed by going to  

Revision History

August 1, 2016: The campus access map was updated. The policy was also changed to reflect that:

  • University Drive is no longer available to through traffic;
  • Parking Enforcement vehicles are included as exempted vehicles; and
  • Barrier pole access violations may lead to prosecution under California Penal Code 469 and are subject to recharge.

In addition, departmental names and contact information, as well as outdated links, were revised as necessary.