Health and Safety

Enforcement of Safety Standards in Academic Environments

The University of California is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for the campus community. Faculty, students, and other personnel in laboratories and other academic settings may work with hazardous materials, equipment, and processes. With regard to safety and environmental protection, this teaching and research work is governed by state and federal regulations and University policies.

Emergency Management and Continuity of Operations

This policy establishes the authorities to support the campus organizational structure for responding to and recovering from emergencies that overwhelm or threaten to overwhelm campus resources. Emergencies may include earthquakes, fires, civil disorders, utility disruptions, or any significantly disruptive event that threatens public safety and property.

Assessment and Distribution of the Campus Philanthropic Allocation and Research Administrative Fee

It is the policy of the University of California, Berkeley to offset a portion of the costs of advancement activities and administering research gift funds, and to provide funding for deferred maintenance, by assessing a philanthropic allocation OR research administrative fee on each gift. For non-research gifts, gifts are assessed a philanthropic allocation of 7.5%. For research gifts, defined as funds to support the research of one or more specified faculty members acting as Principal Investigators (PIs) for a specific research project, OR as general research support for a specified PI, gifts are assessed a research administrative fee of 13%.

Access to Laboratories Containing Hazards

For a variety of reasons, including safety and security, campus laboratories that contain hazards are not open to the public. Only persons with legitimate reasons for being in such a laboratory are permitted to enter, and only after certain conditions have been met. This policy describes the conditions under which visitors, including minors, and animals are allowed in laboratories that contain hazards. Individuals bringing or allowing a visitor or animal into a campus laboratory must comply with the conditions and procedures outlined herein.