
Affirmative Action Plan, Staff

Affirmative Action is one aspect of the federal government's effort to ensure equal employment opportunity. Executive Order 11246 prohibits federal contractors like the University of California from discriminating against employees on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, or national origin, and requires contractors to implement affirmative action plans to increase the participation of minorities and women in the workplace. With the implementation of The Regents' Resolution SP-2, effective January 1, 1996, UC hiring authorities can conduct targeted outreach to minorities and women only where underutilization has been identified. The Berkeley Campus Staff Affirmative Action Plan serves as a working document for reporting on career staff personnel actions and implementing the campus commitment to affirmative action.

Administrative Full Costing

The University of California, Berkeley will charge an administrative full costing fee on external funds received from the sales and services of educational activities, auxiliary enterprises, agency activities, service enterprises, and other operating revenue.

Allocating Office Space to Emeritus Professors

As a campus standard, emeritus faculty may occupy a shared office on campus when they are actively engaged in substantial ongoing work that serves the University. Eligible work that could justify the need for office space is as follows: (1) Teaching that requires the emeritus professor to hold regular office hours for students; (2) Research primarily involving campus students and regular meetings on campus with these students; (3) Publication, where the on-campus location is essential for the emeritus professor to be productive in the publication of archival research reports and monographs; (4) Active involvement in service to the campus community through participation in departmental, college, or University committees or other University activities. It is expected that an emeritus professor should be offered use of his or her office for one year after retirement. Thereafter, emeritus professors desiring campus office space will be expected to move to a shared office.

Access to Laboratories Containing Hazards

For a variety of reasons, including safety and security, campus laboratories that contain hazards are not open to the public. Only persons with legitimate reasons for being in such a laboratory are permitted to enter, and only after certain conditions have been met. This policy describes the conditions under which visitors, including minors, and animals are allowed in laboratories that contain hazards. Individuals bringing or allowing a visitor or animal into a campus laboratory must comply with the conditions and procedures outlined herein.