DA2639 Approve Conferral of Emerita/Emeritus Title Suffix on Senior Management Group Appointees (2021)

Brief description of delegated authority: confer emerita/emeritus title suffix on employees in the Senior Management Group upon the employee’s retirement or resignation from the position if the employee has served at least five years in the position for which the title is being conferred, has made meritorious contributions to the fulfillment of the mission and programs of the University, and has not committed serious breaches of policy or law, been dismissed from service, or faced serious discipline while holding the position for which emerita/emeritus title is requested
Date: 3/12/2021
Delegated from: UC President
Delegated to: Chancellor
Can redelegate? No
Original document source: https://policy.ucop.edu/_files/da/da2639_chancellors_emeritus-emerita_title_suffix.pdf